– Marta Bevacqua

“To be clear, what you’re saying is that…”

“I don’t feel anything for you anymore. Neither love, nor hate, nor anger. I feel nothing.

There is no one thing that we can fix. It’s all the little things.

All the times when you took all those decisions without even discussing them with me… when you dismissed my concerns with a you wont understand… when your want was a need and my need was a want… when your work was sacrifice and my work was duty… when you walked through a room without so much as registering my presence… when you didn’t even notice the light dying in my eyes…  You made me feel unwanted… invisible…

I don’t want to disappear in your shadow. I’d rather live alone in my own light.

So what I’m saying is that I am leaving you because I don’t feel anything for you anymore.”


Written in response to Fandango’s Story Starter #2 ( To be clear, what you’re saying is that…), Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie’s Photo Challenge #374 and Sunday Writing Prompt (The little things).

4 thoughts on “Emerging

  1. So so good. My fav lines, “when your want was a need and my need was a want”, “when your work was sacrifice and my work was duty”, “I don’t want to disappear in your shadow. I’d rather live alone in my own light.” …that last one is gold. GREAT job

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